TSM bandages to TS3
Conversion that i did from some gloves and other accs for hands and legs, from the models of cocomama. 2 accs - gloves and socks - with...
13 de set. de 2017

Tail and Ear TS3
Acc ts3 with thumbnailEars compatible with hat slat[the tail wont move if you use if, even if they're in the same acc. Conversion from ...
13 de set. de 2017

Cave Wall and floor TS4
walls and floors with my rock texture ♥ use it with my cave 3d wall, stalactites, rocks and build your own cave. DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOAD
11 de set. de 2017

Half Walls TS4 and 3
Half brick walls, my meshes 3d bricks. mountable pieces to you make your "fence" i think there are 5 pieces, turn them around to use too....
11 de set. de 2017

LOS 2 Floor conversion ts4
pack with 8 floors floors - outdoor, stone kativip - ts2 thank you DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOAD
6 de set. de 2017

Deco Cave TS3to4
conversion from my own cave to ts4, finally TS3 version here works only for photoshots, you cant walk inside of them. 2 caves, one with 2...
6 de set. de 2017

Saint Seiya Poses 3 - TS4
3 poses based on Pisces Albafica - the lost canvas to use with Crimson Thorns deco objects and Afrodite's roses on mouth acc DOWNLOAD...
6 de set. de 2017

Saint Seiya pose 5 - ts4
Rose Acc here 11 poses with rose acc converted by me to use with both accs, the poses will not look strange [ i already tested them]...
6 de set. de 2017

Ice Recolours TS4
All of them are on ROCKS / build mode DOWNLOAD
2 de set. de 2017

Crimson Thorn TS4
Crimson Thorn TS4 Albafica's power - from saint seiya the lost canvas - i had to recreate this TT_TT its a blood magic. found on deco /...
2 de set. de 2017

Grece Columns TS4
3 different objects type ‘grece column’ on sims 4 search in game to find them or go to sculptures in decorations conversion from saint...
2 de set. de 2017