Greek Warrior TS4 Accs
lots of accs for male and female sims inspired on Saint Seiya thumbnails for all some of them are in head accs and others in normal accs...
20 de out. de 2017

Greek Amazon TS4
Amazon outfit from Saint Seiya some things where converted from Saint seiya soldier soul [bandai] shoes are from EA all with thumbnails...
20 de out. de 2017

Greek Male training shirts ts4
my mesh with thumbnails use it with the belt acc with it belt here patreon download - t-shirt - tank top
20 de out. de 2017

Shy Girl ts4 pose
NA_Shy girl <- name to find in game andrew pose needed Stand poses to girl talking, normal or surprised with something or shy after saw...
20 de out. de 2017

Several wounds (poses + acc ts4)
9 poses [ with thumbnails ] NA_Saint Seiya poses 14 - name to find it in game andrew pose needed acc in makeup / face paint male and...
20 de out. de 2017

Water Drops ts4
water drops for different skin colours its an acc, find it on body acc / socks thumbnail (Y patreon download
20 de out. de 2017

Sekishiki Souls light TS4
look like souls from the anime Saint Seiya found it on lights or type 'sekishiki souls' in sims 4 bar search patreon download
20 de out. de 2017

Power effects ts4
My mesh, textures and all +/- 14 textures find it on deco/sculptures [or type 'power' on search bar] use teleport sim inside the circles...
20 de out. de 2017