20 de nov. de 2017
Fire Circle - TS4 obj
Put your Sim teleporter in the middle of the circle to pose your Sim type FIRE POWER in sims 4 search bar to find it. Or go to...

20 de nov. de 2017
Wall rock TS4
it was a EA rock from basegame, that i cutted in the middle to make a wall rock to scenery, to hid the damn cities from the scenery that...

20 de nov. de 2017
Weather effects - Snow / Rain
4 "colours" build mode - rocks so, its is a giante square, to pose your sims, use sim teleporter. use more than one to make a better...

20 de nov. de 2017
Fog and darkness TS4
finally, after try hard to find a way to avoid the damn shine on the mesh. here it is. fog and darkness - to find it in game, search bar...

20 de nov. de 2017
Saint Seiya Poses 15
name to find it in poselist: NA_Saint Seiya Poses 15 thumbnails 10 "couple" poses Patreon Link DOWNLOAD

20 de nov. de 2017
Afrodite's Roses Deco TS4
Converted from Saint Seiya Souldier Soul Names to find them in game - demon rose, piranien rose, bloody rose or go to deco - sculptures....

20 de nov. de 2017
Brunches TS4
my meshes build mode - trees 'brunch' to find it in game 4 models Patreon Link DOWNLOAD

20 de nov. de 2017
Invisible Ceiling Light TS4
Invisible ceiling light is the better way to take pictures without frickin lights showing up on your beautiful pictures U_U' I did it for...

20 de nov. de 2017
Social Shirt {with Piers body} Ts3
"I'm sexy and i know it..." my mesh ♥ Patreon Link DOWNLOAD

20 de nov. de 2017
Skydome Ts4
its a giant sphere with many skyes to you avoid the shitty sceneries of ts4 only sims will be there only with simteleporter. more or less...