WOW draenor wolf
model by Hakirya info on the picture wolf 1/2/3/4 to find in game deco - plants DOWNLOAD ON PATREON OR DOWNLOAD
8 de out. de 2018

Bat monsters
Fel Bat from warcraft - poses by me, model by other person. they look shiny on the pictures but are not anymore, i fixed it <3 bat...
8 de out. de 2018

Gold, Silver and Bronze coins
Skyrim conversion, model by zeushk they can be found on rugs coins on floor /flying - to find in game DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOAD
8 de out. de 2018

Infernal imps
models by Jorn-K-Nightmane - poses by me 3 models Imps - to find in game or go to deco - plants 9 colors DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOAD
8 de out. de 2018

MONEY, blood money
find it on rugs on rugs BRL and Dollars 6 swatches DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOAD
8 de out. de 2018

Cu Chulainn
smite conversion 17 colours thumbnail like the img accs on left wrist - body acc [thumbnail too] DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOAD
8 de out. de 2018

Discordia Set
model by Kaiology set comes with: outfit 2 bracelets 2 apples {R/L} Many colours for the outfit and bracelets thumbnails ^ Wings by...
8 de out. de 2018

Ancient greek hair
Master edit from a EA hair Flower acc - patreons only 18 colours flower acc - hats stripes acc - face accs thumbnails for all, many...
8 de out. de 2018

Italy Hair
MY MESH Hat chops 68 Colours thumbnails male/female thumbnail MESH NEEDED HERE DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOAD
28 de set. de 2018

Shun Hair
conversion from SS soldier soul ............................................................................................................
28 de set. de 2018

Athena Hair
Mesh edited with Ares Helmet from smite. The meshes are bounded, so you will choose the hair and the colour you want [28 MM colours], go...
28 de set. de 2018

Magic Sigils acc
16 colours/textures my meshes Install all of them to work. thumbnails like the img <3 PATREON DOWNLOAD
28 de set. de 2018

Chernobog Wings
Conversion from smite. Model extracted by Kaiology the UV [texture] is on HAT slot, but the wings are a facial acc have thumbnail 16...
28 de set. de 2018

Cthulhu Head
model extracted from smite by o-DSV-o Its a head with a skin, i adjusted it to now show eyebrows, hair, head under the cthulhu head....
28 de set. de 2018