Discordia Set
model by Kaiology set comes with: outfit 2 bracelets 2 apples {R/L} Many colours for the outfit and bracelets thumbnails ^ Wings by...
8 de out. de 2018

Ancient greek hair
Master edit from a EA hair Flower acc - patreons only 18 colours flower acc - hats stripes acc - face accs thumbnails for all, many...
8 de out. de 2018

Athena Hair
Mesh edited with Ares Helmet from smite. The meshes are bounded, so you will choose the hair and the colour you want [28 MM colours], go...
28 de set. de 2018

Aphophis bracelets
conversion from Terses by Kaiology M/F 27 swatches body morphs left wrist - body acc DOWNLOAD ON PATREON OR DOWNLOAD
28 de set. de 2018

Artemis hair MM
Golden acc is a HAT. Use only if you like has 15 colours/textures on the hat acc both have thumbnails, DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOAD ACCS
4 de ago. de 2018
![Perséfone Greek Dress [normal and long]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/91ee74_eed90a80e1334a888e05b667eb5bff8c~mv2_d_1264_1327_s_2.png/v1/fill/w_640,h_672,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/91ee74_eed90a80e1334a888e05b667eb5bff8c~mv2_d_1264_1327_s_2.webp)
Perséfone Greek Dress [normal and long]
Name on the img is just to look cool. [cuz greek dress for every single download would look strange] 21 colours thumbnail my mesh Long...
4 de ago. de 2018

Kallisto Greek Dress
NA_greekMMdress2 <- real name info on img DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOAD
4 de ago. de 2018

Medusa Set
conversion from Smite, model extracted by Kaiology i rigged the tail to make my own poses. every single one pose have different position...
4 de ago. de 2018

Ilithyia Hair - normal and long
edit from my own edit - Diana <3 now like a greek hair? idk the acc on back have his colour separated from the hair, go to face accs,...
4 de ago. de 2018

Grece Columns TS4
3 different objects type ‘grece column’ on sims 4 search in game to find them or go to sculptures in decorations conversion from saint...
2 de set. de 2017