Medieval long shirt
converted my own shirt from sims 3 to 4 Info on img DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOAD
2 de jul. de 2018

Medieval/Greek - male top
sims 4 male tops both with many colours - for peasants and monks the pants are new too, but i dont have a picture of them alone, so i...
2 de jul. de 2018

Saint Seiya poses 20 - Arrow + bow
NA_Saint Seiya poses 20 - name to find in game all poses with thumbnails bow and arrow accs [on body acc] DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOADs:...
2 de jul. de 2018

Pirate Shirt ts3to4
my mesh, conversion from my stuff many colours PATREON ♥ DOWNLOAD
19 de mar. de 2018

TSM Bandages conversion Ts4
TSM Bandages conversion Ts4 patreon Link, support if you can ^ sims 3 version soon [already made, but not tested yet] converted them from...
15 de ago. de 2017

Big Hooded Cloak - TS4 Acc
thumbnail / work for male and female / many colours / some clipping issues with a few hairs depending on the pose. work with lots...
19 de abr. de 2017