Master Villain poses
13 poses with thumbnail NA_Master Villain SS poses SAGA DOWNLOAD ON PATREON OR DOWNLOAD
28 de set. de 2018

Saint Seiya Poses 15
name to find it in poselist: NA_Saint Seiya Poses 15 thumbnails 10 "couple" poses Patreon Link DOWNLOAD
20 de nov. de 2017

Saint Seiya Poses 3 - TS4
3 poses based on Pisces Albafica - the lost canvas to use with Crimson Thorns deco objects and Afrodite's roses on mouth acc DOWNLOAD...
6 de set. de 2017

Saint Seiya pose 5 - ts4
Rose Acc here 11 poses with rose acc converted by me to use with both accs, the poses will not look strange [ i already tested them]...
6 de set. de 2017