Shun Hair
conversion from SS soldier soul ............................................................................................................
28 de set. de 2018

Master Villain poses
13 poses with thumbnail NA_Master Villain SS poses SAGA DOWNLOAD ON PATREON OR DOWNLOAD
28 de set. de 2018

Gold Saints poses
NA_GoldSaintPoses <- to find in game DOWNLOAD ON PATREON OR DOWNLOAD
28 de set. de 2018

Saint seiya floors
13 colours. two textures DOWNLOAD PATREON DOWNLOAD
2 de jul. de 2018

SS TLC Poses - Hades - TS4
NA_Hades poses TLC <- name to find in game thumbnails PATREON DOWNLOAD
24 de jan. de 2018

Poseidon Poses (Saint Seiya poses 18) TS4
NA_Saint Seiya poses 18 <- to find it in pose list Poses to use with Poseidon trident or Saori's staff. 10 poses with thumbnails if you...
20 de dez. de 2017

Rozan Dragons light ts4
6 dragons converted from Tokami-Fuko - poses by me have a neutral colour to you change the light tone to what you want. its the last...
14 de dez. de 2017

Saint Seiya Poses 17 - TS4
NA_Saint Seiya poses 17 <- name in pose list thumbnails [for god's sake, i hate do them] 14 poses female-male -> couple poses if you can,...
14 de dez. de 2017

Saint Seiya Poses 15
name to find it in poselist: NA_Saint Seiya Poses 15 thumbnails 10 "couple" poses Patreon Link DOWNLOAD
20 de nov. de 2017

Greek Amazon TS4
Amazon outfit from Saint Seiya some things where converted from Saint seiya soldier soul [bandai] shoes are from EA all with thumbnails...
20 de out. de 2017

Saint Seiya Poses 3 - TS4
3 poses based on Pisces Albafica - the lost canvas to use with Crimson Thorns deco objects and Afrodite's roses on mouth acc DOWNLOAD...
6 de set. de 2017

Saint Seiya pose 5 - ts4
Rose Acc here 11 poses with rose acc converted by me to use with both accs, the poses will not look strange [ i already tested them]...
6 de set. de 2017